Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 27: Sick

Status - mission 1
Mood - under the weather
Water - 2 liters

Day 27 of 84

I had two HIIT cardio sessions planned for today; that is, until I got sick.

Last night I deviated from my diet plan by having a few pieces of chocolate and a small portion of a dessert I made for a friend of mine. If the night wasn't a special one for me I obviously would not have made an exception. But I did ... in the end.

This morning I felt awful, so much so that I didn't eat anything until around 12 noon. I didn't have much energy to wake up, let alone complete a morning run. I think I might have picked up a slight cold. I've already taken preventative measures by drinking some cough syrup. I do feel better.

Aside from the three small meals that I missed this morning and the sweets I had last night, my nutrition so far has been great. At noon I had a large salad, carrots and a couple pieces of chicken. It tasted delicious, probably because I was starved from not having eaten anything all morning.

I did take pictures today, so I at least feel good about that. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel a bit better health-wise. Either way, I don't plan on missing morning HIIT. I'll force myself out of bed no matter how I feel.

Catch you later,


1 comment:

poppy said...

POPPY HAS COMPUTER BACK................LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!