Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 17: go hard or go home

Status - mission 1
Mood - great
Water - 3 1/2 liters

Day 17 of 84

Although I had planned to use this day to rest, I ran this morning instead. 15 minutes of HIIT output on the tread and 10 minutes on the elliptical.

Before the end of the week I want to hit 17 minutes, so challenging myself by going hard now is necessary if I am to reach that mark. So no more dozing muscles, only the sweet welcome of pain and achievement.

I opted out of doing core because I've been working my abs very intensely over the past few days. I need time to rest if I expect them to develop any further. But I should mention that I excluded the normal rest periods I use between each ab exercise yesterday. I responded well enough, able to complete all 7 exercises at 25 reps without stopping. I guess I underestimated my own abdominal strength. Better late than never !

Nutrition has been on target. Third day of low carbs. I'm anxious for the supercomensation phase because I miss the freedom of eating a few extra carbs and actually drinking a glass or two of milk.

Tomorrow: morning HIIT + shoulders (afternoon)

catch you later !


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