Status - mission 1
Mood - great
water - 2 liters so far
Day 11 of 84
I hit a major cardio milestone today. This morning in the gym I ran for 11 minutes ! This is actually the first time I've ran for that amount of time since my football days in high school. I chose to crank it up a bit today because my previous cardio sessions have felt pretty good.
That's not all. I did an additional minute on the elliptical. I know, it's only an added 60 seconds, but remember that small, progressive steps lead to huge results.
In the next two weeks I want to reach the 20 minute mark on the treadmill. That is the standard I've chosen to judge my endurance level by.
Following cardio I blasted my abs, completing 25 reps for 7 different abdominal exercises. The burn felt great. Judging from today, I seem to have made exponential gains in terms of my core strength since the beginning of this journey, which, at the time, I was barely able to complete 3 basic movements. Now I am doing over 7 with a reasonable amount of ease. And by ease I really mean to say "bearable pain", haha.
The slight discomfort I feel serves as a constant reminder of why I'm doing all of this in the first place. The pain narrows my focus and forces me to concentrate during the day, so that I don't fall prey to the occasional hot dog or pizza slice. Before I make a poor nutritional mistake I simply flex my abs and the residual pain quickly overwhelms any desire for those types of foods.
This afternoon: Upper body antagonistic superset training.
And yes, it is as bad as it sounds
Catch you later !
DEAR JAY MY BLOG PAGE IS.........................YOURPOPPY-blogspot.com...............................ALSO YOU CAN FIND ME UNDER CYCLEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jay, Keep up the good work. Remember the beginning is the hardest but each day gets easier as it becomes routine and the results,mentally and physically are very rewarding.I can relate because I work out several times a week. Something that worked great for me was doing spinning classes. Great cardio and a hour workout burns 800 to 1000 calories. Stay srong.....Gary
DEAR JEREMY, POPPY WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW YOU FEEL AT BOOTCAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOPE ALL IS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!WILL CHECK POST LATER...............................................
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