Status - mission 1
mood - great
water - 1/2 liter
Day 15 of 84
Actually, it is quite cold outside today. Gritty teeth and inflamed eyes, tight locked windows type cold, you know. I was fortunate enough to have the presence of mind to check the weather forecast before I walked to the gym. If I hadn't, I would have frozen my toes off in the 11 degree air haha.
I was still holding my hands tightly against my chest when I entered the gym and noticed that it was still chilly. So I quickly stretched and and immediately started running to warm myself up. By the 5th minute my mind started to drift away, as it so often does. I ended having ran for 14 minutes, one up from even yesterday ! My elliptical time remained the same, and I also reduced the rest time between my ab exercises to increase the intensity. Body acclimation will not be my downfall !
Let's not forget that my two week goal is to reach 20 minutes on the treadmill. I think I'm making great progress. I feel that I'm getting stronger with every workout. The minutes now seem to pass by more quickly than before. Additionally, I'm growing more accustomed to my nutrition plan. The cheat meal I had two days ago definitely satisfied all urges I had been having. A Quesadilla and some ice cream. What a treat.
And chicken salad has never tasted so good haha. Yea, that was my try at sarcasm. But seriously, salads are not that bad when cleverly designed (i.e with a few added raisins and different types of dressings). And knowing the huge benefit of eating healthily and the resultant gains I am sure to make because of it, makes it that much more enjoyable.
This afternoon: Chest + light cardio
"a mind ... would decide to conquer its weakness ... its laziness and vain hopes and cling with all its power to every second, which flies away forever"
The frigid air today reminded me of how bitterly real and precious and fleeting life is
So Carpe diem my friends, harvest the day !!
Take care,
CHILLY ON THE OUTSIDE.....................MAKES FOR A STRONG, WARM HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOVE POPPY.............
DEAR JAY........STORM ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO SNOW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I DO NOT WANT TO SHOVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GARY IS HAVING HIS HIP DONE THURSDAy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SUPPORT NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!POPPY
TUESDAY................WAITING FOR A POST>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.....FORGOT YOU HAD TESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOVE......POPPY.
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