Status - mission 1
Water - three liters
Mood - good
Day 52 of 84
Weight training:
60 pull ups supersetted with seated shoulder press
20 minutes HIIT on elliptical + core. I didn't run because my legs felt really weak !
on target, only three meals so far though. I plan to have a small salad later tonight
A few days ago, before I adjusted my calorie intake, I felt reaallly good about the pictures I was taking of myself. However, I've noticed a slight decrease in definition recently. I'm not sure if my diet is affecting anything - I hope not.
Granted, I've been really busy with school work and studying for exams, which has definitely had an impact on my stress level. It just might be the case that there is more cortisol circulating in my system, and is having some type of confounding, negative affect on my results.
But then again (as is oftentimes the case) I might be paranoid, or to someone who doesn't know me, too preoccupied with minor detail.
I just expect so much because I am putting in a tremendous amount of effort. It's hard to remember (or accept) that making a physique transformation the RIGHT way not only takes effort but a great deal of time. And more importantly, the willingness to stick to the program and follow through. Significant changes don't happen overnight, and nothing worth anything comes easy. This mission has definitely taught me that much, no doubt.
Tomorrow: I can't recall at the moment. I'll post the results tomorrow of course.
Catch you later,
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