Friday, March 7, 2008

Day 40: Cheat day

Status - mission 1
Mood - eh
Water - 4 liters

Day 40 of 84

Let me start by saying that my chest workout went well today.

I increased the weight in all exercises and felt great about my newfound strength.

Nutrition has also been on target. The day was highlighted by a ham and cheese egg white omelet with pancakes. I couldn't have cheated in any better way haha

No HIIT today, only a little basketball this afternoon.

No for the not-so-good news:

I am extremely disappointed with the photos I took this morning of myself. After taking some time to look them over I noticed no change in my body composition. I know ... it is extremely difficult - if not impossible - to see a marked difference in one's body in one night, but still. I appear to have worsened ! The fears that I expressed yesterday about not making progress have been validated. I don't understand. I feel great, am stronger than ever before, running faster and with more intensity. What is the problem ? Uhhhhhh !!!!

Maybe it's something I am eating that is causing me to bloat. Although I have been strict with my carb intake, limiting myself to no more than 50/day, I have recently begun to eat cottage cheese. It's low in carbs and is a really healthy food, but maybe it is somehow impacting my body in a negative way. Maybe I'm just paranoid ...

Or my body is retaining an unnecessary amount of water or something. Who knows ...

I'm getting closer to the halfway point and I expect to see more improvement.

Given all the work I put in, the sweat ...

I just hope this is something that is only temporary, as I'm sure it is.

Tomorrow: morning HIIT + back + core

Catch you later,


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