Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 49: long awaited

Status - mission 1
Mood - great
Water - 3 liters

Day 49 of 84

Today's workout went extremely well. I finished at lightning speed !

Weight training + HIIT cardio in under an hour !

I joined lat. pull down and tricep kickbacks into one superset, doing a total of three. I felt extremely strong so I increased the weight on seated cable row and was able to maintain three sets at 10 reps.

Cardio: HIIT 15 minutes on treadmill (7-9.5) + HIIT 5 minutes on elliptical (7-13)

Nutrition: I am so excited that it's finally high day, wahoo !

Sidenote: By following the BFFM pancake recipe, which I borrowed from Lilla's profile (thank you by the way !) I was able to enjoy a great breakfast, the pancakes were awesome. Definitely kicked by day into high gear !

Tomorrow: a much needed rest day

Catch you later,


1 comment:

poppy said...

DEAR JAY ..........................I THINK THIS IS GREAT ............GOOD LUCK.........LOVE, POPPY