Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 30: Back !

Status - return to form
Water - 72 oz
Mood - great

Day 30 of 68


Just a mile on the treadmill. Increased my speed by about 10 seconds - current time of 7:20

I plan to go full throttle tomorrow during my cardio session. I'll be shooting for a 7 minute mile. We'll see how it goes !


Beginning of 2nd round of HST. I devoted this week to high volume Muscle Round Training. This afternoon consisted of flat bench, cable cross-overs, seated row and pull-down. I've gotten much stronger. I'll have to start making visits to the OMAC (our larger gym) because I've maxed out the dumbells in the bears lair (local). Hopefully, my 5 rep max'll be somewhere around 90. It's been about a year since I've been in this weight range - ever since I hurt my shoulder last summer working with a flat barbell.


Over the past few days I've been conducting an experiment of sorts. My intension was to evaluate my body's response to various levels of carbohydrate. Based on past experience, not well at all; I am definitely endomorphic. However, I've noticed something neat recently. See, I love peanuts (dry roasted, unsalted). They're what I consistently reach for when I am fiending for something more edible than chicken salad. In the past two days, I have literally gone through an entire jar, which is about 16 oz / 1 lb. Results : clearer skin ! + more full-looking muscle tone

Weird. I'm not sure what it is about peanuts, but there is something definitely at play here. I know my body well enough now that I can confidently say that I'm not seeing things. More research, on my part, needs to be done.

Any ideas ? Has anyone had this experience before ?


Also very interesting happenings recently. About 2 1/2 weeks ago I met someone online. It was quite spontaneous actually. Point being - she's really into poetry, even takes herself seriously as a writer of it. From the little I've read of her, it seems she has wonderful intuition. A sense of carelessness as well, which is something I believe a lot of inexperienced writers lack - the ability to see past the obvious. At that point you can reduce a tree to its narrative and prose structure. Or even see more in a moon than some lover's face, haha

Anyways ... all this is to say that I'm excited to hear what's on her mind. She's not only intelligent but also quite sassy haha

I'm going to call it quits for tonight. I would like to get up at a reasonable hour

Catch you later,



Debbie said...

Jay, can't say I ever had that result with peanuts but definitely look into it more. Interesting!

juli gets happy said...

Hey, peanut-poet, ;-). I love peanuts too and it is fascinating that your favourite food gives you such a kick. Go for it if it works for you.

Great that you met someone soul-close, people like this are preciuos, I am very happy for you.

Keep up the good work.


Michael said...

Jay, great news on all fronts. Peanuts are a favorite of mine as well. They provide me with alot of energy during my low carb days!