Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 20: chart accomplished

Status - return to form
Water - 1 liter so far
Mood - great

Day 20 of 68




Making my way to the gym shortly for HIIT on the elliptical.


This morning I tried my hand at Excel in an attempt to develop some type of accountability chart. What I have so far is extremely basic, but I think it will work well for my purposes. I'm really excited to going with all this.

Question: how should I format my page so that others can view the spreadsheet? Would I just copy and paste the chart directly from Excel? And is there a way to reuse the same basic file so that I won't have to re-create one every week? Ahh, I am so useless when it comes to computer programs that I never use! I should have majored in computer science, haha

Be back later this afternoon to post mileage etc.

Catch you later,


ps. I will launch the chart starting tomorrow. After I iron the kinks out.
pps. Weekly Monday pic will be posted as well !

4 comments: said...

Hi Jay!

You would need to take a screen shot of your Excel worksheet and make a jpg, I believe.

Or you can make an html table like this one:

Good luck and shred on!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jay,
I just made my chart as well in excel. I am going to make into a JPEG using Photoshop and upload it into my blog.

Hope this helps.

juli gets happy said...

Hey J

I asked today the same...and here I can find all the answers...great!

Shred on!

Mike Groom said...

Hi Jay. Great to see your motivation is so high.

Copy and paste straight into photoshop (or MS Paint). Save as JPG and you're good to go my friend.