Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day 16: What have YOU done

Status - return to form
Water - 1 liter (so far)
Mood - great

Day 16 of 84

What have YOU done ?

The quote above is from a new movie in theaters called Wanted. It is nothing short of spectacular. I do not mean to exaggerate when I say that it is probably the best movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Aside from the ridiculous action sequences, I felt that there was a more important message embedded in the story line. At the end you walk out asking yourself "what have I done with my life. Have I actively taken control or simply slug about, living without purpose or intent"

I found these questions to be highly motivating.



30 minute swim





Basically, I need to eat more frequently. 3 meals is just not cutting it, I know better than that. Near the end of my first mission (around day 55) my eating habits were such that I made sure to eat at least 5 small meals / day. The results of which showed through in my physique. I'm on meal plan, and therefore have full access to as much protein salad and fruit as I could want. I just need to drag my little butt (according to mom, pshh) over to any of the three or so dining halls available to students over the summer. blahblah, JUST DO IT JAY !

And yes, I am officially talking to myself. Nothing new :-)


The writing is coming along well. I am working on another poem that belongs in a series of (X) (to be determined). It's really frustrating. I spent 7 hours with it yesterday. I'm not sure what it wants. Maybe if I threw it into the street someone would pick it up and tell me. Or just cut the darn thing into little pieces that I could use to paste on my window with leftover orange juice. But then that would be wasteful. I should use alcohol instead !



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