Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 20: cont.


My intension was to go into the gym today to finish a session on the elliptical. I'm disappointed to say that I not only did that, but also 2.52 miles on the treadmill !!


HIIT run (20 minutes) (2.52 miles)
HIIT elliptical (10 minutes) (1.21 miles)

It was such a whimsical decision at the time, but in the end I'm glad I chose to push myself. Pain in my legs was less than expected. Tomorrow though I will have to take it easy. Based on past experience, I have a demonstrated tendency to develop shinsplints. I don't want that to hinder my progress. I've been on such a roll.

Still, it all depends on how good my legs feel.


morning HIIT (elliptical) + steady-state run (hopefully !)

Catch you later,



Jeremy said...

When it comes to things like Excel I am totally inept. So thank you all for the formatting help!

I'll make my actual post later on tonight.


juli gets happy said...

You are doing great! make a plan and a list and work it off.

Great job.


Michael said...

Nice job pushing yourself!