Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 25: Sweet

Status - return to form
Water - 3 liters
Mood - great

Day 25 of 68


HIIT run (10 laps on track). Wow, it was a killer




I'm glad to find myself in a much better mood today. Last night was a different story. I can't even explain where the attitude came from. I really don't like being upset.

Getting out this afternoon definitely helped. I saw the new Dark Knight batman movie at the IMAX theatre. It was so good; very well done. Heath ledger gave an awesome performance. It's so sad he passed away.

Ok, I need to get some writing done. It's about that time.

Catch you later,


ps. It's still so difficult to wake up ! Missing those early meals are killing my accountability score. Grrr


juli gets happy said...

Hey Jay,

focus on your meals and they will fit into your plan.

You can do it!

I love IMAX-movies, Heath Ledger...a tragedy...

Enjoy your Sunday,


Michael said...

I agree with Juli. Just focus!