Water - 0 !
Mood - spent, but great
Day 23 of 68
Life (most urgent):
I had my Exam today and based on how quickly I finished, I am fairly certain I did very well. Although I wasn't up for as long last night as I thought I'd be, I did spend a good portion of it studying. Bedtime was around 4am. I only slept for 3 hrs, since I wanted to get at least another hour of HIIT studying in, haha.
ok ok. I'll be honest. I seem to have fallen into the bad habit of eating horribly the night before any exam. I tend to lose all inhibition when it comes to choosing the foods I need for brain energy. You know, the usual: energy drinks, which are not only unnecessarily saturated with sugar (it's redic) but are also extremely unhealthy for you (for other reasons as well). I'll just lay all my cards on the table. Last night I consumed 1 energy drink (name I can't recall), what I thought to be one slice of BOXED (TV-dinner-type) pizza (not sure what it was, haha), and a cookie/brownie/miniature piece of cake !
Ahhhhh, just recapping the night makes me cringe. *hangs head very low*
But I did well on my test, I did well on my test ! hahaha
No, seriously - I shouldn't have been so lax in my diet. But nonetheless, today is another day. And cardio is scheduled. I'll make sure to kill myself on the treadmill to make up for last night !
Be back in ~ 2 hrs because I am leaving for the gym right now. Early morning (sorta) cardio to burn off that mess of a mess from studying.
To be cont,
Here is the chart from yesterday

Here is the chart for today. The score is awful.

Tomorrow is another day.
DEAR JAY MISS YOU...............HOPE ALL IS WELL ...........KEEP UP GOOD WORK......
Only a small setback my friend. Keep your head up.
exams are exams and extremely important.
congratulations that you did so well,
you can do it and tomorrow is a new day,
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