Water - check
Mood - great
Day 63 of 68
- incline (2 x 80lb x 8-10)(dumbbell)
- flat [(1 x 185 x 8-10) + (2 x 225lb x 5)]
- cable press (3 x 120 x max)
- standing bar curl (2 x 150lb x 8-10)
**circuit with**
- hammer curl (2 x 30lb x max)
I leave for school on Saturday, and am most likely driving back. I canceled my gym membership in light of the obvious fact that I wont be home, at least for a while. Still, they are allowing me access for the remainder of the week (until Friday). Hopefully, this weekend, I'll have a chance to get one or two morning runs in so I can prepare for the big reveal on day 68.
Due to the events from this past week (packing, seeing family last minute, stealth missions etc), however, I feel that my day 68 pic will prove to be a little disappointing. In all honesty, I haven't finished as strongly as I would have liked. Of course the mission isn't over yet, but I doubt I'll have a chance to spend as much time in the gym and make as much progress as I would like to in only 5 days. We'll see how it goes ...
I know for sure, however, that mission two, like Michael's, will be devoted to getting as big and as strong as humanly possible. I've seen tremendous results in this area recently, and I want to continue that while at school, where I'll be able to take full advantage of what Brown's facilities have to offer. One exercise that I would really like to work into my routine is the clean and jerk. By my senior year in high school I was peeking out at 185lb. I was truly in love with this movement, which is difficult but also extremely beneficial -- primarily works the legs, but also the traps and shoulders if performed correctly.
I hope everyone is doing well and making huge strides in their respective fitness missions. Keep up the good work ! I'll be stopping by more frequently when I have more time. And I do apologize for being absent for a while. Life kicked in for a bit there, lol.
Catch you later,
ps. it almost slipped my mind - everyone will understand what my stealth mission was all about on day 68. Stay tuned, lol
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