Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 37: Warming Up

Status - return to form
Water - check
Mood - great

Day 37 of 68


last night - 30 minuted run (steady state) (3 miles) ; rope skipping (until exhausted)

*After yesterday's final exam I was tired enough to take a nap in the afternoon, which is highly unusual for me. I woke with a ton of energy and so ended up taking a mid-night run, lol.




Class is done !! Class is done !!

This week, before I go home, I want to really push myself in the gym. Ricky and I have a week. It would be wonderful if he could lose another lb or so before going back to Texas. Personally, I want to continue to lower my mile and do lots more cadio in general. I want to warm up in this way so as to arrive in CT with a full head of steam. Wish me luck !

Catch you later,

Shred on



juli gets happy said...

Jay, enjoy your post-exam-time and train hard next week.

Have a relaxing weekend.


Anonymous said...

You've worked diligently at school and in your mission. Shift gears and move all ahead full in your mission.