Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 54: Great day

Status - return to form (B14)
Water - check
Mood - wonderful

Day 54 of 68





- pull ups (30)
- lat pull down (2 MR)
- seated row (2 MR)
- one arm pull down (2 x 120lb x 10-15)


- push down (3 x 150lb x 6-8)
- skull crushers (3 x 95lb x 6-8)
- one arm cable extension (2 x 55lb x 8-10)(each arm)


Had a chance to visit my uncle, who is doing quite well. He offered me two bottles of Mona.Vie acai juice as a gift. The berry itself is actually becoming increasingly well-known. It's packed with nutritional value, and is also very delicious and energizing.

I sound like one of their product development directors, haha

I'll experiment with it over the next few weeks (one is only supposed to consume 3 oz of this stuff per day, so it's going to last quite long)

Catch you later,


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