Friday, April 4, 2008

Day 59: DOMS

Status - damage control
Mood - great
Water - 2 1/2 liters

Day 59 of 112


10 minutes HIIT on treadmill (6.5-10) and elliptical (7-14).

I was some experiencing some serous DOMS today from my workout two days ago !

It felt good in a weird way though :-)

Weight training:

Muscle Rounds - chest (inline/flat, total reps = 92)


High day - sorta. I started the day off thinking it was another low carb/cal. Didn't realize my mistake until much later this afternoon, whoops !

The only true carbs I ate all day came in the form of a decent sized bowl of oatmeal with sliced banana and applesauce in it. This was eaten post-workout.

So what ... that is about 40-60 carbs right there. A bunch of nuts (almonds are delicious btw) and some cheese. Yea, I'll round my intake for the day to around 100 ;-)

I'll have a better time remembering tomorrow, hopefully haha

Speaking of:

Tomorrow - Muscle Rounds - Back + core

Catch you later,


1 comment:

poppy said...