Thursday, April 3, 2008

Day 58: Rest

Status - damage control
Mood - good
Water - 3 liters

Day 58 of 112

Today's fruit day was more bearable than most. In total I ate about 8 bananas, 2 kiwi and a great deal of apple sauce and rasberry juice. Although days like these are difficult to get through without the occasional slip up, there is benefit in eating nothing but fruit - it has a diuretic effect on the body and helps flush out impure elements and toxins.

I always feel much better on an all-fruit day, however, my energy level suffers. This was yet again the case today, and so I took a long nap this afternoon. I apparently needed the rest. Good thing too because I have a heavy weekend ahead of me in terms of the studying I have to do for an exam scheduled next week. I need all the energy I can get.

Tomorrow: morning HIIT + afternoon chest + core

Catch you later,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm on an all fruit day also! I like it a whole lot more than the all protein day! I am really craving carbs right now...the fruit helps. tomorrow is the high carb rotation....good luck!