Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 47: on track

Status - return to form
Water - check
Mood - great

Day 47 of 68

Yesterday's session:

The treadmill turned off again in the middle of my run (grr). I had to make an abrupt stop and almost lost my footing. Good thing I didn't get hurt.

They should really fix this problem.

Totals - since I had to change treadmills I'm not exactly sure as to how many miles I ran. If I had to make an estimate, I would say about 3.3 miles in 20 minutes. But again, this is only a rough approximation.





I'm heading to the gym at 4. I just ate and am waiting for the food to digest, haha. Plan - Chest + Biceps

I need to take a break with the ABS today because I'm experiencing some serious DOMS. Reason being: variation on the ab rolling maneuver but with an exercise ball, followed by cable crunches. Serious !


I am so pleased to hear that Ricky is sticking hard to the program, even while on vacation ! To date, he's lost about 26 lbs. I can't wait until he reaches his goal of 190. I think he'll surprise himself


Keep it up buddy !

Catch you later,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jay,
Keep at it. Your progress is great.