Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 45: Feeling good

Status - return to form
Water - check
Mood - great

Day 45 of 68




Biceps (5 x 10-12) (low intensity)

*very short workout


My night was amazing. My friend and I enjoyed coffee, dinner and a night of dancing. All high marks in my book. I was worried for a second: afraid she would turn out to be some type of online pedophile (with a thing for creative writers) haha.


No worries

Yesterday's session:

Back - pull-ups (50), lat pull down (5 x 5-8), Seated row (4 x 5-8)

Tris - push down (5 x 6-10), skull crushers (2 x 8-10)

Tomorrow's session:

Morning - HIIT
Afternoon - Chest + Biceps

Catch you later,


1 comment:

Michael said...

Glad to hear you had a good time with your new friend. That's great!