Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 39: Feeling the heaeet

Status - return to form
Water - check
Mood - great

Day 39 of 68


4pm session - HIIT (2.8 miles) (20 minutes)
10pm session - Steady State (2.84 miles) (25 minutes)

Total - 5.64 miles (45 minutes)

Yesterday was killer. I haven't performed a double cardio session in quite a while. My legs were screaming "help me" walking back from the gym last night, haha. Today I'm feeling much better. Though a little tired, I'm ready to continue on schedule.



Plan for today:

Chest/Bi ... 10pm Steady State

Catch you later,



Anonymous said...

You seem to be tracking really nicely with your mission. Good job!

How do you do with the 10 PM workouts? I find that when I workout late (and for me that is 8 pm) the after-burn doesn't allow me to fall asleep at a reasonable hour. The I toss and turn all night and when I get up at 5:30 I am exhausted.

Michael said...

Jay, great job staying on track!

poppy said...

Jay, hope all is