Status - Mission 1
I must admit that Day 1 is actually Day 4, since I technically started working out and have finished up to 4 workouts prior. But for simplicities sake, let's just say that my "first" day in the gym was pretty successful. My pre-workout meal consisted of only a protein shake, which was less than I would have liked. I usually drop by the dining hall near my dorm to pick up something more substantial. But I must say, I still had plenty of energy during my entire workout, which is broken down below.
- Back (16)
- Biceps (4)
- Fat Loss Circuit Training (FLC)
The lifting session was killer. At the end of 16 Back sets I could feel my lats exploding. I haven't done close grip pulldowns in quite some time, but the pump at the end felt amazing! I can't wait until the next back day, lol. I was slightly disappointed with my performance on seated rows, with a weight of only 175 :-( I remember at my peak last year I was maxing out at ~250. It's amazing how much strength one can lose over time.
It was a standard day for Biceps except that we couldn't find the proper curling bar that was used for preacher curls, so instead we simply did standing bar curls with a much shorter bar for two sets, and followed it up (after a couple minutes rest) with concentration curls. I've decided that my workout buddy is going to get huge if he maintains his current high level of commitment. It's nice having a workout partner. He keeps me motivated and accountable. Can't laze out on a workout when someone is breathing down your neck!
And now the part that I have been dreading ...
First weeks pictures - the truth hurts. There is nothing that is more embarrassing than seeing your out of shape body in a picture. And it's even worst seeing myself for the first time on a computer screen, let alone on a blog that exposes me.
But in my own interest I have decided to place myself before a countless number of eyes. The shame of it has already had its effect. I can't be stopped.
Hey Jay, good luck with your committment. I too am committed to staying in very good shape,and eating and living healthy. Looking forward to your progress. Gary,A friend of poppy.
DEAR JAY CONTINUE ON THE PATH YOU ARE ON.............................WITH LOVE AND RESPECT.....................YOUR POPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CYCLEMAN SAID....................KEEP UP GOOD WORK..........................POPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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