Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day 26: Just in time

Status - return to form
Water - 3 liters
Mood - great

Day 26 of 68




HIIT run (15 minutes) (2 miles)
HIIT Elliptical (10 minutes)
HIIT run (10 minutes) (1.3 miles)

*Performed in that exact order*

My second attempt on the treadmill was obviously much slower than my first. I was pretty tired, and my legs were getting sore by that point.

Good thing tomorrow is a scheduled rest day for cardio. It could not have come at a better time !


I received a care package from my mom, which contained a number of essential items: dry roasted peanuts (unsalted), nioxin shampoo and peanut butter. It made my day !

Will post chart later on tonight, once I get my require amount of water.

Catch you later,



juli gets happy said...

Wow, Jay, you are the greatest!!!!

...I also love care-p.s...

Enjoy it,


Anonymous said...

Care packages from mom are the best!

Good work Jay. said...

Great cardio session, Jay!

Don't you just love care packages from home? :)