Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 33: Intense

Status - return to form
Water - check
Mood - great

Day 33 of 68


Personal version of a crossfit workout

push press + knees-up crunches + burpees + lunges = 1 round
(done in succession with no rest)

Rest period consisted of time on the treadmill. So while Ricky was finishing his Round 1, I was running and vice versa. After five rounds were completed, we took a rest period of a minute. Then, we did an additional 10 minutes on the treadmill, alternating between speeds 7,7.5,8,6,6.5 etc.

I tried to add as much variety as possible. Never adapting.

It was a grueling workout to say the least.


High day: stack of pancakes from a local diner this morning. Absolutely delicious. I couldn't finish it all though :-(

I have to get studying...lots of work due for this upcoming week !

Catch you later,

Shred on,


Anonymous said...

You seem to be a roll. High intensity will net you great results. Great that you have a training partner to push each other. Keep at it.

Unknown said...

Hey Jean Shallad

Can't wait for what you'll think to put me through tomorrow, not really.

-ooom barabolosa

Juan said...

Hey Jay,
I've been looking over your blog and I'm truly impressed with the progress you made so far. I appreciate the comment and the info abou the tuna btw it really helped!

Keep Shreddin'!


juli gets happy said...

Hey Jay,

delicious pan-cakes for breakfast! Great!!! Cool how you manage your training-days.

Shred on,


poppy said...

GREAT JOB...................CALL.................LOVE..........POPPY