Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Day 22: Crunch time

Status - return to form
Water ~ 96 oz so far
Mood - great, a little anxious though

Day 22 of 68


HST - I increased my flat dumbbell press to 75lbs; smashed through the first set of 10, but only got 7 on the second. Also went harder on military press: 70 lbs, up from last weeks 65. Man, it was tough.



Need it from yesterday's killer, hulk inspired workout.


I have an exam tomorrow ! I will undoubtedly be up all night studying for it


Tis ok, it'll be worth it when I receive an A, which is inevitable (positive mindset yields positive results).

I usually post my chart before I go to bed, but seeing as I'll be sleeping in the library tonight I will have to wait until tomorrow.

Catch you later,



Mike Groom said...

great job on the bench press Jay. Good luck with your exam!

juli gets happy said...

You are doing great! I remember these nights studying through...good luck tomorrow, and remeber: You can do it!